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Kid asks father for inheritance; leaves with cash. Reaches far-off land and soon the funds are all used on women, drunkenness and wild life.
When famine strikes the land, this fellow seeks work with a bacon and ham farmer. ‘I’d love to eat some of the food these animals have,’ he thinks to himself, in an unwise moment.
Realisation comes to his troubled mind. ‘I will arise and return to dear old dad and tell him I am not his son from now on; I shall be like one of his hired servants.’
When he was still a distance from home, his father saw him from his view on the roof. Father ran to embrace him and called for a silver band to adorn one of the four extendable, flexible, knuckled and nailed parts of his hand (not a thumb), a coat with a collar, leather shoes for his feet and smothered him with kisses of welcome. He invited friends and the folks that lived near to a celebration, and killed the fatted calf to feed them all. Beef with mustard or horseradish sauce, bread, salad, cake, cheese (and biscuits), wine etc.
Father declared ‘This son of mine was lost, but is found; he was dead; now he is alive!’
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