Tuesday, 20 September 2011


including spaces, punctuation: a study in harsh editing

500 Second son asks his father for his inheritance and goes away. He spends it all on wild living, but the land is struck by a famine. He ends up tending pigs, and longs to feed himself on their pods. He comes to his senses – his father’s hired men are well-fed. Decides to return home knowing he is no longer worthy to be called a son.

But while still a long way off, his father runs to greet him and gives him gifts. He calls for a celebration.

‘My son was lost but is found; he was dead but is alive!’

350 Young son takes inheritance and goes. He spends it all; then comes a famine. He tends pigs; envies their food. He comes to his senses, (hired men at home are well-fed) and decides to return home, no longer worthy to be called a son.
While he’s still a long way off, his father greets him with gifts. Roasts calf. ‘Lost son is found; dead boy alive!’

140 (Twitter) Inheritance blown. Skint; famine. Envied pigs. Came 2senses – return as hand. Dad gave ring/coat/shoes/ hug/party. ‘Lost=found; dead=alive!’

100 Son wastes cash. Famine! Envies pig-pods. Comes to senses. Returns. Dad’s gifts. ‘Lost/dead? Alive!’

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