Monday, 12 September 2011

Other Bible verses

What do you think? There was a man who had two sons [1] He went to his father and said ‘My father.’ 

‘Yes, my son,’ he answered, [2] what is it?’ [3] 

Give me [4] my inheritance.’ [5] And it was very good. [6] Then he went away and [7] bought, with money, from a foreigner. [8] 

‘Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.’ [9] He lies down wealthy, but will do so no more; when he opens his eyes, all is gone. [10] There was no food, however, in the whole region because the famine was severe; both Egypt and Canaan wasted away because of the famine. [11] 

Became like one (of) those tending the pigs [13]longed for [14] something to eat – [15] even [16] vegetables. [17] Pigs [18] eat only vegetables, [19] but the poor ones are so bad they cannot be eaten. [20] 

Suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around. [21] I bring you some revelation: [22] How many (of) [23] my father (‘s) [24] hired men [25] eat the food of the land? [26] Shall I [27] return to (my) own country? [28] Humbled myself. [29] Become [30] servant. [31] I go on the journey. [32] 

While the other is still a long way off, [33] he sees his father [34] running. [35] Greet one another with a holy kiss, [36] having gifts – [37] signet ring, [38] coat, [39] sandals. [40] 

Son [41] began to speak [42] ’I am [43] not worthy [44] to be [45] called [46] your son; [47] make me [48] one (of) [49] your [50] men who were hired.’ [51] His father [52] killed [53] a fatted calf; [54] everyone [55] rejoiced! [56] 

‘Son [57] was lost [58] and (when) they found him, [59] the child – was dead – [60] is still alive!’ [61]

[1] Matthew 21:28 let your yes be yes; 
[2] Genesis 27:18 Jacob & Esau; [3] Matthew 20:21 Zebedee’s wife seeks to promote her sons
[4] Proverbs 30:8 daily bread; [5] Jeremiah 12:7 prophesying the Exile; [6] Genesis 1:31 creation; [7] Matthew 27:5 Judas hangs himself; [8] Genesis 17:12 circumcision laws; 
[9] Proverbs 9:5 Wisdom calls out; [10] Job 27:19 impermanence of life; [11] Genesis 47:13 Joseph;
[12] 1 Corinthians 9:20 to the Jews I became a Jew; [13] Luke 8:34 healing of demonised man; [14] 2 Timothy 4:8 ­ second coming; [15] Mark 6:37 feeding of 5000; [16] Ruth 1:12 Naomi’s blessing; [17] Daniel 1:12 consecrated in pagan Babylon; [18] Proverbs 11:22 indiscreet women; [19] Romans 14:2 meat sacrificed to idols; [20] 
Jeremiah 24:3 vision of figs; [21] Acts 22:6 Paul’s testimony; [22] 1 Corinthians 14:6 behaviour in meetings; [23] Psalm 3:1 David’s foes; [24] 1 Kings 20:34 Aram vs Ahab; [25] Mark 1:20 calling of James & John; [26] Numbers 15:19 dietary laws; [27] 2 Chronicles 18:14 attacking Ramoth Gilead; [28] Daniel 11:28 King of the North; [29] Psalm 35: 13 David prays for his enemies; [30] Ezekiel 21:7 knees weaken at news of grief; [31] Genesis 44:18 Reuben pleads with Joseph for Benjamin; [32] 
Job 16:22 Job speaks of his death; [33] Luke 14:32 the cost of discipleship; [34] John 5:19 authority; [35] John 20:4 disciples go to the empty tomb; [36] Romans 16:16 church life instructions ; [37] 1 Corinthians 12:28 spiritual gifts; [38] Esther 8:8 royal decree; [39] Genesis 6:14 cover the Ark with pitch; [40] 
Matthew 10:10 labourer worthy of his hire; [41] Nehemiah 11:7 some of the returning remnant; [42] Luke 1:64 Zechariah dumb no longer; [43] John 11:25 the resurrection and the life; [44] John 1:27 John the Baptist’s humility; [45] 1 Timothy 3:11 honoured wives; [46] Genesis 1:10 land & sea created; [47] Genesis 22:12 Abraham willing to sacrifice Isaac; [48] Luke 5:12 leper asks to be clean; [49] Leviticus 27:10 sacrificial lamb; [50] Deuteronomy 12:18 crossing the Jordan; [51] Matthew 20:12 parable workers in vineyard; [52] Genesis 27:41 Esau’s grudge against Jacob; [53] 1 Samuel 17:36 David & Goliath; [54] Proverbs 15:17 good meals compared; [55] Colossians 1:28 discipleship; [56] 
Psalm 122:1 worship; [57] Luke 3:34 begetting; [58] Luke 19:10 Jesus came to seek & save; [59] Mark 1:37 Jesus prays in a solitary place ; [60] 2 Samuel 12:19 David’s baby ; [61] Genesis 45:28 Israel’s joy at Joseph’s survival

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