Act One
Scene One: A Farm
(Enter Paterno & Prodigio)
Prodigio Oh Father, Oh Father, thee I emplore
Gist, yea, gist, oh gist to me the cash!
Paterno (aside) Oh no, not the cash.
Prodigio Oh yes, oh yes, the cash.
Paterno Oh no, not the cash!
Prodigio Yea, the cash!
Paterno I relent, dear boy, here’s the cash.
Prodigio What, the cash?
Paterno Yes, here’s the ca-a-a-a-a-a—a-a-a-a-a-a-ash! (gives him the moneybag)
Prodigio What, all the cash?
Paterno All the cash that’s yours! (exits)
Prodigio All this cash is mine! I’m off! (exits)
Scene Two : A Taverna
(Enter Prodigio & Prostituo, with chorus)
Prodigio I’m spending as fast…
Prostituo …as fast as you can!
Prodigio I’m spending as fast…
Prostituo …as fast as you can!
Chorus Spend, spend, spend, spend (tinkle, tinkle)
Spend, spend, spend, spend (rustle, rustle)
Spend, spend, spend, spend (jingle, jangle)
Spend, spend, spend, spend (ker-ching)
Prodigio Oh yes, I’m spending as fast…
Prostituo …as fast as you can! (They embrace)
Prodigio But now it is gone. (They spring apart)
Chorus Gone, gone, gone, gone
Spent, spent, spent, spent,
Emp-ty pock-ets, right out of cash!
Prostituo And so, I shall depart me,
I shall depart me hence as fast as I can. (exits)
Prodigio (aria) I thirst, and hunger,
And all the world, all the world with me,
I thirst and hunger, thirst and hunger,
Thirst, I thirst, yea I thi-i-i-i-irst
And hunger, thirst and – oh – hunger,
I thirst and hunger, yea, I thirst
And thirst and hunger and hunger
And hunger and thirst;
Yea I thirst and hunger and
None of the people of the world are here, yet
All of the people of the world
Thirst and hunger also, yea,
They thirst and hunger also. (repeat)
Act Two
Scene One: Another Farm
(Enter Prodigio, Porcia & Porcio, two pigs)
Pigs We eat!
Prodigio I hunger! Where shall I find food ?
Pigs We eat!
Prodigio I hunger greatly! (rumbling, off)
Pigs We eat!
Prodigio I hunger; I get me hence;
this scene doth stick like an barbéd gimlet
in mine craw (exits)
Scene Two: A Farm (as before)
(Enter Paterno & Prodigio)
Paterno My son!
Prodigio My employer?
Paterno My son!
Prodigio I emplore thee, my employer?
Paterno My son!
Prodigio My father! (they embrace)
Paterno Here’s a ring, a ring, a ring-a-ding,
a ring-a-ding-a-ding a-dingio!
Here’s a coat for your fine, broad shoulders
And shoes for your wandering feet and
Around you my arms I fling, a-fling, a-flingio!
Prodigio But my father, I am no longer wor…
Paterno Oh, my son, you live, return, and bring me joy,
Such joy! Such lightness of heart
And abandon of glee.
(Enter many Villagers, with pipes and dancing trousers)
Prodigio (reprise) I hunger!
Paterno I slaughter the calf in your honour;
You were dead but now you live!
Yea, I was in a spin withal
But now the calf spins substitutional.
We lost you when this farming life you quit
Now the fat calf spins roastingly upon a spit.
Prodigio I was lost, lost, so lost!
Paterno You are found, discovered, unearthed!
Prodigio I was dead to you!
Paterno Yet now you live ! You li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ve !
You are alive ! You live, live, live, live, live!
But the calf
O most decidedly, most deliciously, does not!
Prodigio I live!