Thursday, 9 June 2011


Much later on, villagers will revel, since the calf will be fattened for the purpose of being killed, roasted, carved and served in baps (this will be understood in years to come as predestination).

Meanwhile, the son will ask his father for his share of the inheritance, and the father will dish it out. The son will go off and blow all the loot in no time, and then he’ll begin to suffer when famine strikes the land.

He’ll get a job looking after pigs, and he’ll even wish to eat their food. Eventually, he’ll come to his senses and he’ll decide to return home, repentant.

He’ll make his way, but before he can get to the place, his father will run down the road and will hug him, give him a ring, a coat, shoes and throw a party.

He’ll rejoice greatly at the end, saying ‘My son will have been dead, but oh, he will be alive for a while yet!

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